
Last Name

Cross-listed in ClergyWritersScientists

Charles David Badham

1805, Aug 271833-18571857, Jul 14
an English writer, physician, entomologist, and mycologist. David Badham seems to have started his medical career in Scotland, where he achieved some notoriety for setting a patient's irregular heartbeat to music. In 1833, a Radcliffe travelling fellowship allowed Badham to practise medicine in France and Italy, for some of the time as personal physician to ...
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Cross-listed in Naval

George Balfour

naval surgeon in the U.S. navy
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Cross-listed in Writers

Charles Balguy

17081767, Feb 28
an English physician and translator. He practised at Peterborough, and was secretary of the literary club there. He contributed to the ' Philosophical Transactions, and in 1741 he published, anonymously, a translation of Giovanni Boccaccio's Decameron. This was the best translation in English at the time and was reprinted several times. He wrote some medical...
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Cross-listed in Pirates

John Ballatt

aka: Ballet
unknown1707 caunknown
Ship’s Surgeon with Woodes Rogers and William Dampier
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Cross-listed in WritersEducators

John Banister [1]

an English anatomist, surgeon and teacher. He published The Historie of Man, from the most approved Authorities in this Present Age in 1578. He edited Hans Jacob Wecker, with corrections, ‘A Compendious Chyrurgerie gathered and translated (especially) out of Wecker,’ London, 1585. He compiled a collection of remedies and prescriptions, ‘An Antidotarie ...
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Cross-listed in Writers

Samuel Bard

1742, Apr 11765-18131821, May 24
an American physician who founded the first medical school in New York City and the second medical school in the United States at King's College, now known as Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons. He was a personal physician to George Washington. His description of the disease diphtheria was instrumental in formulating treatment for that co...
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Cross-listed in Writers

Sir James Lomax Bardsley

1801, Jul 71876, Jul 10
an English physician. In 1834 he became president of the Manchester Medical Society, and in 1850 a similar position in the Manchester Medico-Ethical Association was given to him. Bardsley published a volume of Hospital Facts and Observations in 1830, wrote the articles on diabetes and hydrophobia in the Cyclopædia of Practical Medicine (1833), and made othe...
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Cross-listed in Writers

Samuel Argent Bardsley

1764, Apr 271851, May 29
an English physician. Dr. Bardsley published in 1800 ‘Critical Remarks on the Tragedy of Pizarro, with Observations on the subject of the Drama;’ and in 1807 a volume of ‘Medical Reports of Cases and Experiments, with Observations chiefly derived from Hospital practice; also an Enquiry into the Origin of Canine Madness.’ To the ‘Memoirs’ of the L...
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Cross-listed in Writers

Thomas Foster Barham

1794, Sep 101869, Mar 3
an English physician and classical scholar. Dr. Barham published many theological works, including A Monthly Course of Forms of Prayer for Domestic Worship and (with the Rev. Henry Acton) a volume of Forms of Prayer for Public Worship. His chief work, which dealt with many social questions -- such as temperance, cultivation of waste lands and small farms —...
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Cross-listed in Writers

John Barker

an English medical writer. While at Salisbury he published in 1742 ‘An Inquiry into the Nature, Cause, and Cure of the Epidemic Fever of that and the two preceding years.’ In this treatise he objected to bleeding as a part of the treatment, and was consequently attacked by another Salisbury physician, a Mr. Hele, in a local newspaper. Barker replied in a...
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Cross-listed in Writers

Gabino Barreda

a Mexican physician and philosopher oriented to French positivism. After participating in the U.S.-Mexican War defending his country as a volunteer, he studied medicine in Paris (1847–1851). There he became acquainted with Auguste Comte's doctrine of positivism, before his first publications in philosophy. Upon returning to Mexico City, he introduced the p...
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Cross-listed in Writers

William Barrowby

16821718-17511758, Dec 30
an English physician. Barrowby was born in London, the son of John Barrowby, a physician. He was educated at Eton and Trinity College, Oxford, taking degrees of M.B. in 1709, and of M.D. in 1713. He was elected a fellow of the College of Physicians of London in 1718, and Fellow of the Royal Society in 1721. He is know mostly for his medical writings.
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Cross-listed in Governance

Josiah Bartlett

1729, Nov 211750-17901795, May 19
an American physician and statesman, delegate to the Continental Congress for New Hampshire, and signatory of the Declaration of Independence. He was later Chief Justice of the New Hampshire Superior Court of Judicature and Governor of the state. Before Bartlett turned 21, in 1750, he moved to Kingston, New Hampshire, in Rockingham County, and began his prac...
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Cross-listed in WritersScientists

Benjamin Smith Barton

1766, Feb 101789-18151815, Dec 19
an American botanist, naturalist, and physician. Barton corresponded with naturalists throughout the United States and Europe, and made significant contributions to the scientific literature of his day. In 1803 Barton published Elements of botany, or Outlines of the natural history of vegetables, the first American textbook on botany. Barton's work in...
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Cross-listed in Writers

William Richard Basham

an English physician. In 1833 he went to Edinburgh, and took his M.D. degree in the following year. After this he made a voyage to China, where, in a skirmish on the Canton River, he received a wound in the leg. In 1843 he was appointed physician to the Westminster Hospital, and he devoted himself to the school, giving lectures on medicine until 1871. He was...
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Cross-listed in ExplorersNaval

George Bass

1771, Jan 301789-1803unknown
a British naval surgeon and explorer of Australia. At the age of 18 he was accepted in London as a member of the Company of Surgeons, and in 1794 he joined the Royal Navy as a surgeon. He arrived in Sydney in New South Wales on HMS Reliance on 7 September 1795.
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John Bastwick

an English Puritan physician and controversial writer. He was a Latin stylist, and began a career as controversial with Latin works. In 1634 he published in the Netherlands two anti-Catholic Latin treatises: Elenchus Religionis Papisticae, an answer to a Catholic called Richard Short; and Flagellum Pontificis, an argument in favour of Presbyter...
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Cross-listed in Writers

Richard Bathurst

a British essayist and physician, born in Jamaica and sent to England to study medicine. In 1745 he took the degree of M.B. at Peterhouse, Cambridge, and afterwards studied medicine in London. In September 1754 Bathurst was elected physician to the Middlesex Hospital, but went to Barbadoes, whence he wrote two letters to Johnson in 1757 (published by Croker)...
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Cross-listed in WritersScientistsEducators

William Batt

1744, Jun 181770-18091812, Feb 9
an English physician, chemist, and botanist. On completing his studies he returned to England, but on account of his health he subsequently removed to Genoa, where he obtained an extensive medical practice, and in 1774 was appointed professor of chemistry in the university. Previous to this the study of chemistry in the university of Genoa had been much negl...
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Cross-listed in Writers

Robert Bayfield

an English physician. He was born in Norwich and wrote with much energy on both religious and medical subjects. He was the author of Enchiridion Medicum (1655), Exercitationes Anatomicæ (1668), Treatise de morborum capitis essentiis et prognosticis (1663), Bulwarke of Truth (1657) and Tractatus de Tumoribus præter naturam; or a treatise of preternatural T...
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Cross-listed in Writers

Thomas Baynton

1761, Oct 51820, Aug 31
an English medical writer and surgeon. Baynton was from Bristol, where he served his apprenticeship with Mr. Smith, a physician of considerable eminence. He afterwards acquired a large practice of his own, and obtained a high reputation by discoveries in the curative part of his profession, especially in the treatment of ulcers and wounds. He published Descr...
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Cross-listed in WritersScientists

Johann Joachim Becher

1635, May 61682, Oct
a German physician, alchemist, precursor of chemistry, scholar and adventurer, best known for his development of the phlogiston theory of combustion, and his advancement of Austrian cameralism. At the beginning of 1680, he presented a paper to the Royal Society in which he attempted to deprive Huygens of the honour of applying the pendulum to the measurement...
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Cross-listed in Writers

Thomas Lovell Beddoes

1803, Jun 301849, Jan 26
an English poet, dramatist and physician. He published in 1821 The Improvisatore, which he afterwards endeavoured to suppress. His next venture, a blank-verse drama called The Bride's Tragedy (1822), was published and well reviewed, and won for him the friendship of Barry Cornwall. Beddoes' work shows a constant preoccupation with death. He continued to writ...
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Jesse Bennett

1769, Jul 101791-18151842, Jul 13
the first American physician to perform a successful Caesarean section, which he performed on his own wife at the birth of their only child on January 14, 1794. He earned a B.A. Degree at Philadelphia College before apprenticing with Dr. Benjamin Rush and atten...
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Cross-listed in Writers

Joseph Frederic Berard

aka: Joseph Frédéric Bérard
1789, Nov 41828, Apr 16
a French physician and philosopher, who was born at Montpellier. Educated at the medical school of that town, he afterwards went to Paris, where he was employed in connexion with the Dictionnaire des sciences medicales. He returned in 1816, and published a work, Doctrine medicale de l'école de Montpellier (1819), which is indispensable to a proper understan...
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Cross-listed in Writers

Francois Bernier

aka: François
1620, Sep 251688, Sep 22
a French physician and traveller. He was born at Joué-Etiau in Anjou. He was briefly personal physician to Mughal prince Dara Shikoh, and after the prince's demise, was attached to the court of the Mughal emperor Aurangzeb (14 October 1618 – 20 February 1707), for around 12 years during his stay in India. His 1684 publication Nouvelle division de la terre...
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Cross-listed in Writers

Alexandre Jacques Francois Bertrand

aka: Alexandre Jacques François
1795, Apr 251831, Jan 22
a French physician and mesmerist who was a native of Rennes. Bertrand is remembered for his scientific investigations of animal magnetism and somnambulism. In his public lectures on animal magnetism he spoke confidently about the existence of "magnetic fluid", but through experience and reflection he later changed his mind, becoming a leading critic of its e...
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Cross-listed in Writers

M.D.T. Bienville

aka: D.T. de Bienville
an obscure French doctor, he wrote the first full-length study abount nymphomania, entitled Nymphomania, or a Dissertation Concerning the Furor Uterinus, and translated into English in 1775. Eating rich food, consuming too much chocolate, dwelling on impure thoughts, reading novels, or performing "secret pollutions" (masturbating), according to Bienville, ov...

Cross-listed in Writers

Robert Montgomery Bird

1806, Feb 51827-18471854, Jan 23
an American novelist, playwright, and physician. In 1828, Bird's play Pelopidas won a $1000 prize offered by the actor Edwin Forrest, but was never produced. Instead, Bird wrote another play for Forrest, The Gladiator, which was produced in 1831. Bird wrote several other plays for Forrest. Forrest had promised to pay Bird more for these plays if they proved ...
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Cross-listed in Writers

Richard Blackmore

1654, Jan 221682-17271729, Oct 9
an English poet and physician, is remembered primarily as the object of satire and as an example of a dull poet. He was, however, a respected physician and religious writer. Blackmore had a passion for writing epics. Prince Arthur, an Heroick Poem in X Books appeared in 1695. He supported the Glorious Revolution, and Prince Arthur was a celebra...
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Elizabeth Blackwell

1821, Feb 31910, May 31
a British-born physician, notable as the first woman to receive a medical degree in the United States, as well as the first woman on the UK Medical Register. She was the first woman to graduate from medical school, a pioneer in promoting the education of women in medicine in the United States, and a social and moral reformer in both the United States and in ...
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Cross-listed in Writers

Johann Friedrich Blumenbach

1752, May 111840, Jan 22
a German physician, naturalist, physiologist, and anthropologist. He was one of the first to explore the study of mankind as an aspect of natural history. His teachings in comparative anatomy were applied to the classification of what he called human races, of which he determined there to be five. He was appointed extraordinary professor of medicine and insp...
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Cross-listed in Writers

Friedrich Boerner

aka: Börner
1723, Jun 171761, Jun 30
a German physician. Boerner was born in Leipzig. His father, Christian Friedrich Boerner, wanted him to study theology and he started to study theology at the University of Wittenberg, but eventually he finish medicine. He was a professor of this university until he had to come back to Leipzig the raising of Seven Years' War (1756–63). He died in Leipzig.
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Cross-listed in Writers

Jerome-Hermes Bolsec

aka: Jérôme-Hermès
unknown1584 ca
a French Carmelite theologian and physician, who became a Protestant and controversialist. A sermon which he preached at Paris aroused misgivings in Catholic circles regarding the soundness of his ideas, and Bolsec left Paris. Having separated from the Catholic Church about 1545, he took refuge at the Court of Renée, duchess of Ferrara, who was favourably d...
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Thomas Bond

1712, May 21737-17841784, Mar 26
an American physician and surgeon. In 1751 he co-founded the Pennsylvania Hospital, the first medical facility in the American colonies, with Benjamin Franklin, and also volunteered his services there as both physician and teacher.
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Cross-listed in Writers

Andrew Boorde

1490 ca1549, Apr
an English traveller, physician and writer. Boorde left works on domestic hygiene and medicine, and The Fyrst Boke of the Introduction of Knowledge. In it he Englishman describes himself and his foibles, his fickleness, his fondness for new fashions, and his obstinacy, in verse. Then follows a geographical description of the country, followed by a model dial...
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Cross-listed in Scientists

Paul-Emile Botta

aka: Paul-Émile
1802, Dec 61870, Mar 29
a French scientist who served as Consul in Mosul (then in the Ottoman Empire, now in Iraq) from 1842, and who discovered the ruins of the ancient Assyrian capital of Dur-Sharrukin. Botta was selected to be naturalist on a voyage around the world. Although he had no formal medical training, he also served as the ship surgeon. The French Government appointed B...
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Cross-listed in Writers

Richard Boulton

a physician and author from England. Boulton was educated at Brasenose College, Oxford, and for some time settled at Chester, was the author of a number of works on the medical and kindred sciences. Boulton fell out with Goodall after his Colbatch pamphlet. Goodall attacked Boulton in a pamphlet, under his footman's name, and asked James Yonge to attack Boul...
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Cross-listed in Writers

Jean-Baptiste Marc Bourgery

1797, May 191849, Jun
a French physician and anatomist who was a native of Orleans. From 1817 to 1820 he worked as an interne at Parisian hospitals, and subsequently spent several years as a medical officer at the copper foundries in Romilly-sur-Seine. In 1830 he began work on Traité complet de l’anatomie de l’homme comprenant la médecine operatoire., a masterpiece on human...
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Cross-listed in Writers

Robert Bourne

17611829, Dec 23
an English physician and professor of medicine. He proceeded B.A. in 1781, M.A. in 1784, M.B. in 1786, and in 1787 took the degree of M.D. and was elected physician to the Radcliffe Infirmary at Oxford. In 1790 he became a fellow of the Royal College of Physicians. In 1794 he was appointed reader of chemistry at Oxford. He was Harveian Orator in 1797. In 180...
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Cross-listed in Writers

Peter Bowne

aka: Bounæus
15751624 ca
an English physician. Bowne was a native of Bedfordshire and became at the age of fifteen a scholar of Corpus Christi College, Oxford, in April 1590. He was afterwards elected a fellow of that society. After taking degrees in arts he applied himself to medicine, and proceeded B.M. and D.M. at Oxford on 12 July 1614. He was the author of 'Pseudo-Medicorum Ana...
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Zabdiel Boylston

16791766, Mar 2
a physician in the Boston area. He apprenticed with his father, an English surgeon named Thomas Boylston. He also studied under the Boston physician Dr. Cutler, never attending a formal medical school (the first medical school in North America was not founded until 1765). Boylston is known for holding several "firsts" for an American-born physician: He perfo...
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Cross-listed in Writers

Thomas Bradley

an English physician. His doctoral dissertation was published as De Epispasticorum Usu in variis morbis tractandis. For many years he acted as editor of the Medical and Physical Journal. He published a revised and enlarged edition of Joseph Fox the younger's Medical Dictionary, 1803, and also a Treatise on Worms and other Animals which infest the Human Body,...
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Cross-listed in Writers

Alexandre Jacques Francois Briere de Boismont

aka: Alexandre Jacques François Brière de Boismont
1797, Oct 181881, Dec 25
a French physician and psychiatrist born in Rouen.In 1845 he published Des Hallucinations, ou Histoire raisonnée des apparitions, des visions, des songes, de l'extase, du magnétisme et du somnambulisme, a landmark study of hallucinations. In 1856 he published a comprehensive study on suicide, titled Du suicide et de la folie suicide.
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Cross-listed in ClergyWriters

Timothie Bright

1551 ca1615
an Early Modern British physician and clergyman, the inventor of modern shorthand. Bright graduated M.B. at Cambridge in 1574, received a license to practise medicine in the following year, and was created M.D. in 1579. Bright afterwards abandoned the medical profession and took holy orders. In 1588 he dedicated his treatise Characterie to Queen Elizabeth, w...
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Cross-listed in Writers

William Brinton

1823, Nov 201867, Jan 17
an English physician. In 1848 he sent to the Royal Society a paper, 'Contributions to the Physiology of the Alimentary Canal.' He published a series of 'clinical remarks' in The Lancet. In 1857 he published the Pathology, Symptoms, and Treatment of Ulcer of the Stomach, the first complete treatise on that subject which had appeared in England, and in 1859 he...
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Cross-listed in Writers

Humphrey Brooke

an English physician and political radical. Brooke was the author of A Conservatory of Health, comprised in a Plain and Practical Discourse upon the Six Particulars necessary for Man's Life, London, 1650, and also a book of paternal advice, addressed to his children, under the title of The Durable Legacy, London, 1681, of which only fifty copies were printed...
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Cross-listed in Writers

Richard Brookes

an English physician and author of compilations and translations on medicine, surgery, natural history, and geography, most of which went through several editions. He was at one time a rural practitioner in Surrey (Dedication of Art of Angling). At some time previous to 1762 he had travelled both in America and Africa (Preface to Natural History). His Genera...
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Cross-listed in MilitaryGovernance

John Brooks

1752, May1825, Mar 1
a doctor, military officer, and politician from Massachusetts. He served as the 11th Governor of Massachusetts from 1816 to 1823, and was one of the last Federalist officials elected in the United States. Trained as a doctor, Brooks was an officer of the Reading, Massachusetts militia when the American Revolutionary War broke out, and led his troops in the B...
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Cross-listed in Pirates

Richard Browne

Surgeon-General in Morgan's fleet which carried the buccaneers to the Spanish Main. He wrote an account of the disastrous explosion on board the Oxford during a banquet given to Morgan and the buccaneer commanders on January 2nd, 1669, off Cow Island to the south of Hispaniola, at which the details were being discussed for an attack on Cartagena.
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Cross-listed in WritersScientists

Thomas Browne

1605, Oct 191637-16821682, Oct 19
an English polymath and author of varied works which reveal his wide learning in diverse fields including science and medicine, religion and the esoteric. His writings display a deep curiosity towards the natural world, influenced by the scientific revolution of Baconian enquiry. Browne's literary works are permeated by references to Classical and Biblical s...
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Cross-listed in Writers

Noel Broxholme

1689 ca1748
an English physician. In 1754 there appeared 'A Collection of Receipts in Physic, being the Practice of the late eminent Dr. Bloxam [sic]: containing a Complete Body of Prescriptions answering to every Disease, with some in Surgery. The Second Edition.' 8vo, London.
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Cross-listed in WritersInventors

Ludwig Buchner

aka: Büchner
1824, Mar 291899, Apr 30
a German philosopher, physiologist and physician who became one of the exponents of 19th-century scientific materialism. From 1842 to 1848 he studied physics, chemistry, botany, mineralogy, philosophy and medicine at the University of Giessen, where he graduated in 1848 with a dissertation entitled Beiträge zur Hall'schen Lehre von einem excitomotorische...
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Cross-listed in Explorers

Lafayette Bunnell

1824, Mar 131849-1860s1903, Jul 21
an American physician, author, and explorer. He is most well known for his involvement with the Mariposa Battalion, the first non-Indians to enter Yosemite Valley. Bunnell led the battalion members in a vote to name the valley, and for this reason he is often credited as the person who named Yosemite. Bunnell was not otherwise important from a national persp...
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Cross-listed in Writers

John Burton [2]

an English physician and antiquary. In 1745 Burton was arrested and committed to York Castle on 30 November on a charge of treason. After three months' imprisonment he was summoned to London to be examined before the privy council, who finally released him on bail after examination in March 1747. In 1749 he published two pamphlets to justify his conduct and ...
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