
Last Name

Cross-listed in Inventors

Michael Faraday

1791, Sep 221813-18661867, Aug 25
an English scientist who contributed to the study of electromagnetism and electrochemistry. His main discoveries include the principles underlying electromagnetic induction, diamagnetism and electrolysis. Faraday was an excellent experimentalist who conveyed his ideas in clear and simple language; his mathematical abilities, however, did not extend as far as...
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Cross-listed in Inventors

Moses G. Farmer

1820, Feb 91847-18931893, May 25
an electrical engineer and inventor. Farmer was a member to the AIEE, later known as the IEEE. In 1847, Farmer constructed and exhibited in public what he called “an electro-magnetic locomotive, and with forty-eight pint cup cells of Grove nitric acid battery drew a little car carrying two passengers on a track a foot and a half wide". Farmer later fabrica...
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Cross-listed in Writers

Fortunato Felice

aka: 2nd Comte de Panzutti
1723, Aug 241789, Feb 13
an Italian nobleman, a famed author, scientist, and said to have been one of the most important publishers of the 18th century. Through his studies at the monastery of San Francesco in Ripa, he discovered a love of Physics, becoming friends with Celestino Galiani. Later Galiani appointed De Felice chair of Ancient and Modern Geography as well as the chair of...
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Cross-listed in Governance

Jesse Fell

an early political leader in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. He was the first to successfully burn anthracite on an open air grate. His method and 'discovery' in 1808 led to the widespread use of coal as the fuel source that helped to foster America's industrial revolution. He lived in the Fell House and Tavern until his death. The House stood until the 1980s wh...
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Cross-listed in Legal

Pierre de Fermat

16071626-16651665, Jan 12
a French lawyer at the Parlement of Toulouse, France, and a mathematician who is given credit for early developments that led to infinitesimal calculus, including his technique of adequality. In particular, he is recognized for his discovery of an original method of finding the greatest and the smallest ordinates of curved lines, which is analogous to that o...
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Cross-listed in Writers

Frederick Field

1826, Aug 21885, Apr 3
an English chemist. In 1848 he accepted the post of chemist to some copper smelting works at Coquimbo in Chile. Some account of his work there is contained in his papers in the ‘Journal of the Chemical Society’ for 1850, ‘On the Examination of some Slags from Copper-smelting Furnaces,’ and ‘On the Ashes of the Cactus-plant,’ from which large quan...
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Cross-listed in Writers

George Field

1777 ca1854
an English chemist. He was born in or about 1777 at Berkhampstead, Hertfordshire, of a family long settled in that town, and was educated at St. Peter's school there. Field then commenced the cultivation in his own garden, and from roots of his own growth produced beautiful specimens of colouring matter. A contrivance, both mechanical and chemical, was still...
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Cross-listed in InventorsCommerce

John Fitch

1743, Jan 211780s-1790s1798, Jul 2
an American inventor, clockmaker, entrepreneur and engineer. He was most famous for operating the first steamboat service in the United States. The first successful trial run of his steamboat Perseverance was made on the Delaware River on August 22, 1787, in the presence of delegates from the Constitutional Convention. It was propelled by a bank of oars on e...
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Hippolyte Fizeau

1819, Sep 231896, Sep 18
a French physicist, best known for measuring the speed of light in the namesake Fizeau experiment. Following suggestions by François Arago, Léon Foucault and Fizeau collaborated in a series of investigations on the interference of light and heat. In 1848, he predicted the redshifting of electromagnetic waves. In 1849, Fizeau calculated a value for the spee...
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Cross-listed in Writers

Abraham Fletcher

17141793, Jan 1
an English mathematician. He married early. His wife, like his parents, discouraged the pursuit of learning as an unprofitable thing. Turning his attention to botany, Fletcher studied the properties rather than the classification of plants; increased his income by the sale of herbal decoctions, and was known to his neighbours as ‘Doctor Fletcher.’ He als...
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Cross-listed in Inventors

Eunice Newton Foote

1819, Jul 171888, Sep 30
an American scientist, physicist, inventor, and women's rights campaigner from Seneca Falls, New York. She was the first scientist known to have experimented on the warming effect of sunlight on different gases, and went on to theorize that changing the proportion of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere would change its temperature, in her paper Circumstances af...
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Cross-listed in Writers

Benjamin Meggot Forster

1764, Jan 161829, Mar 8
an English botanist and mycologist who wrote An Introduction to the Knowledge of Fungusses in 1820. He was attached to the study of science, especially botany and electricity. He executed many drawings of fungi, communicated various species to James Sowerby, and in 1820 published, with initials only, An Introduction to the Knowledge of Fungusses, pp. 20, wit...
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Cross-listed in WritersPhysicians

John Fothergill

1712, Mar 81780, Dec 26
an English physician, plant collector, philanthropist and Quaker. His medical writings were influential, and he built up a sizeable botanic garden in what is now West Ham Park in London. He is credited with first identifying and naming trigeminal neuralgia in his work Of a Painful Affection of the Face in 1765.
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Joseph Fourier

aka: Jean-Baptiste
1768, Mar 211795-18301830, May 16
a French mathematician and physicist born in Auxerre and best known for initiating the investigation of Fourier series, which eventually developed into Fourier analysis and harmonic analysis, and their applications to problems of heat transfer and vibrations. The Fourier transform and Fourier's law of conduction are also named in his honour. Fourier is also ...
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Cross-listed in GovernanceWritersInventorsCommerce

Benjamin Franklin

aka: Richard Saunders
1705, Jan 61718-17891790, Apr 17
one of the Founding Fathers of the United States. A renowned polymath, Franklin was a leading author, printer, political theorist, politician, freemason, postmaster, scientist, inventor, civic activist, statesman, and diplomat. As a scientist, he was a major figure in the American Enlightenment and the history of physics for his discoveries and theories rega...
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Cross-listed in Military

James Franklin [2]

1783 ca1834, Aug 31
a British soldier. He was the brother of Sir John Franklin. James Franklin entered the service of the British East India Company as a cadet in 1805. He served with distinction on various Indian surveys and was elected a member of the Royal Society. He was in the 1st Bengal Cavalry and was an authority on geology. He undertook surveys of the Central Provinces...
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