If you had the ability and years of training to take a block of wood or stone and turn it into a sublime piece of art, you too could have been employed by the church, the royal court or by a monied patron. Talented sculptors were usually in high demand and one could count on regular and continuing employment if one had the skill and techniques required. Here are many who did.

Last Name

Pierre Julien

1731, Jun 201765-18041804, Dec 17
a French sculptor who worked in a full range of rococo and neoclassical styles. He worked on the sculpture for the mausoleum of Louis, le Grand Dauphin in the cathedral of Sens. After a failed try in 1776, with his Ganymede, he was received by the Académie royale de peinture et de sculpture in 1778. He received commissions from the comte d'Angiviller, direc...
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Cross-listed in ArtistsArchitects

Juan de Juni

1507 ca1533-1570s1577
a French–Spanish sculptor, who also worked as a painter and architect. He was born in Joigny, France, but began working in Italy, where he was first employed. In 1533 he went to live in León and Medina de Rioseco before moving to Valladolid in 1540. He was best known as a religious sculptor who incorporated great emotion into his figures.
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Jean Juste

a French sculptor. At his school Jean Juste became imbued with the realism of Flanders, slightly softened and tempered with French delicacy. Through this combination of qualities, he created for himself a style whose charm consisted in its flexibility and complexity.
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